A Helping Hand

In the world of birds, so many to see,
Flying high or perched in a tree,
From tiny chickadee to giant albatross,
Each with a unique beauty and boss.

The canary sings with a lovely tune,
While the cockatoo can screech and croon,
The cockatiel loves to whistle and tweet,
And the budgie's chatter is hard to beat.

The avocet has a bill like a spoon,
And the coot is black like the night sky's moon,
But the chicken and chick are what we eat,
Their eggs so tasty, a real treat.

So next time you see a feathered friend,
Take a moment to admire and extend,
Appreciation for all they do,
For the skies and world they help renew.


  1. How did the main character feel when the new student, Maya, joined her class?
  2. What did the main character do to help Maya feel more comfortable and included?
  3. How did Maya's home life affect her behavior at school, and how did the main character react to this?
  4. What did the main character learn about the power of kindness and empathy through her experience with Maya?
  5. Do you think it's important to be kind to others, even if they seem different from us or are facing challenges? Why or why not?

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