Jack the Jigsaw Puzzle Maker

Once upon a time, there was a carpenter named Jack who lived in a small village. Jack was known for his beautiful wooden furniture that he made for the villagers. He used his saw to cut the wood into different shapes and sizes.

One day, a little girl named Jenny came to Jack's workshop and asked him to make a jigsaw puzzle for her. Jack agreed and started working on it. He cut the wood into different shapes using his saw and made sure that each piece fit perfectly with the others.

As he worked, Jack realized that he needed to make sure the joints were strong and secure so that the puzzle wouldn't fall apart. He carefully carved each joint and made sure they fit perfectly. Then, he used the kerf, a groove cut into the wood, to make sure that each piece fit together snugly.

Next, Jack worked on the joists, which are the supporting beams that hold up the puzzle. He made sure that they were sturdy and strong so that the puzzle would stand up on its own.

Finally, after many hours of hard work, the jigsaw puzzle was complete. Jenny was thrilled with the puzzle and played with it for hours. She was amazed at how strong and durable it was, thanks to Jack's careful work on the joints, joists, and kerf.

From that day on, Jack was known as the best jigsaw puzzle maker in the village, and children from all over came to him for their puzzles. And that's the story of how Jack became a master carpenter.


  1. Who is Jack in the story?
  2. What did Jack make for Jenny?
  3. What did Jack use to make sure the puzzle pieces fit together?
  4. How did Jack make the puzzle sturdy?
  5. What did Jack become known as in the village?

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