Sorry, I cannot give a title to a story that has not been provided. Please provide me with a story, and I will gladly help you come up with a title.

In a field where wildflowers grow,
Lived many birds, to and fro.
A snipe, a shrike, a razorbill,
And a rhea with a feathered frill.

A sparrow chirped, so small and neat,
A skylark sang a tune so sweet.
A rook perched high upon a tree,
A starling flew so gracefully.

Each bird was unique in its own way,
And every one had a role to play.
Some caught bugs, some sang a song,
And some just strutted all day long.

But even though they were all different,
They lived together, content and pleasant.
So let us learn from these feathered friends,
To live in harmony until the end.


Sure, here are a few questions that you can ask kids to think about a story:

  1. What was your favorite part of the story?
  2. Who was your favorite character, and why?
  3. What did you think about the setting of the story?
  4. What lesson did you learn from the story?
  5. Was there anything that you found confusing or didn't understand in the story?
  6. What do you think might have happened if the characters had made different choices?
  7. What emotions did the story make you feel, and why?
  8. Do you think the story could have ended differently? If so, how?
  9. What do you think the author was trying to convey through the story?
  10. Would you recommend this story to your friends, and why?

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