The Magical Adventure of the Lost Kitten

In a land full of wonder and delight,
Where trees sway and birds take flight,
There's an arbor, so tall and grand,
It shades the earth, and makes it grand.

The airway is a path for air to breathe,
It's like the trees, that help us breathe,
And just like an aerator, in a pond so blue,
It helps the fish breathe, just like you.

When you're in the garden, with tools in hand,
An apron is a must, so you don't get sand,
And if you need to fix a thing or two,
An adapter helps it work anew.

Asphalt lines the streets we roam,
It's smooth and black, like a polished stone,
And just like an aggregate, mixed in tight,
It keeps the pavement strong and bright.

When you need to stick things together,
An adhesive is your friend forever,
And if you need to measure the flow,
An ampere will tell you how much to go.

And if you need space, to run and play,
An acre is a lot, to have your way,
So go outside, and explore today,
The world is waiting, come out and play.


  1. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. What do you think would have happened if the young girl didn't meet the talking animals in the forest?
  3. How do you think the young girl felt when she first realized her kitten was missing?
  4. What do you think the young girl learned on her adventure to find her kitten?
  5. If you were in the young girl's shoes, what would you have done to find your lost pet?

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