The Magical Garden Adventure

A datum is a fact we know,
It helps us learn and helps us grow.
We gather information each day,
To help us find our own way.

Condensation forms on the glass,
When the air gets cold and cannot pass.
It's like tiny drops of rain,
But on the window, they remain.

A damper can control the heat,
And keep us warm and cozy, neat.
It lets just enough air through,
So we don't get too hot or too blue.

A conduit is like a tube,
It helps things move from point to point with a smooth groove.
Water, air, or even light,
It helps everything move with might.

A course is like a path we take,
To learn new things and make no mistake.
It helps us find what we seek,
And make our future strong and sleek.

A cornice is like a hat on a house,
It makes it look pretty and quiet as a mouse.
It adds a touch of style and grace,
And makes our homes a happy place.

A dado is like a stripe on a wall,
It adds a bit of color, and that's not all.
It's like a frame around a door,
And makes our rooms feel even more.

A darby is like a tool we use,
To make sure things are straight and true.
It helps us measure and cut with ease,
And make our projects a great success, please.

A cricket is like a bug with wings,
It makes a sound that's funny and sings.
It's like a tiny orchestra in our yard,
And makes us feel happy and not too hard.

A core is like a center point,
It helps us find our balance point.
It's like the heart of what we do,
And makes us strong and helps us through.

And details are like little things,
That make our projects pop and sing.
They help us make our work shine,
And make our world a happy and fine.


  1. What did the siblings discover behind their grandmother's house, and how did they react to it?
  2. What kind of magical creatures did the siblings encounter on their adventure, and what did they learn from them?
  3. What challenges did the siblings face during their adventure, and how did they overcome them?
  4. What was the most memorable moment of the story for you, and why?
  5. If you could go on an adventure like this, what kind of magical garden creatures would you like to meet, and why?

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