The Dripping Dormer: A Cozy Home

Drip, drip, drip, goes the rain,
On the roof, again and again.
Through the eaves and down the spout,
We hear it as we look about.

Up high on the roof, a dormer's there,
A window peeking out, without a care.
Around the edge, a bit of edging,
And some enamel, for weather pledging.

Inside the house, some drywall too,
An easement here, and there, to do.
An elbow joint, and a dowel or two,
All part of a home, sturdy and true.

So let the rain keep dripping down,
And let us smile instead of frown.
For in our cozy house we'll stay,
Warm and dry throughout the day.


  1. What does the dormer on the roof of the house do?
  2. What are some of the materials used in building a house, as mentioned in the poem?
  3. How does the house in the story protect its inhabitants from the rain?
  4. What does the sound of the rain make you think of?
  5. What are some of your favorite things to do on a rainy day when you're inside your cozy home?

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