The Little Bird and the World of Construction

In a world of construction and design,
Where buildings rise and towers climb,
A little bird sat perched up high,
Observing the scene with curious eyes.

She watched as the workers laid out the plan,
A layout that showed the whole of the land,
And then they installed some louvers with care,
To let in the light but keep out the air.

The walls were coated in shiny lacquer,
Reflecting the sun like a sparkling dagger,
While the floors were made of laminate,
A smooth and sturdy surface to create.

The carpenters worked with lath and lumber,
Cutting and shaping to avoid any blunders,
They checked the level with a careful eye,
Ensuring everything was straight and high.

The entrance was adorned with a lintel of stone,
Made from limestone that was smoothed and honed,
And on the top was a landing where one could stand,
Before entering a world that was simply grand.

The bird watched in awe as the workers tied a knot,
A symbol of their skill and all that they had wrought,
And then they stepped back to admire their work,
A beautiful building that was sure to perk.

So if you ever see a structure so grand,
Remember the work that went into its plan,
And know that it took many hands to create,
A beautiful world where we can all relate.


  1. What did the little bird see at the construction site?
  2. What were some of the materials the workers used to build the structure?
  3. Why was it important for the workers to check if everything was level?
  4. What was the significance of the knot that the workers tied?
  5. What is your favorite part of the story and why?

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