The Tale of the Strong and Sturdy Sill

Once upon a time on a sloping hill
A silly little sleeper lay very still
It was made of slate and it looked so fine
But it needed a shim to make it align

The soil beneath it was soft and loose
So it needed a slab to give it some use
A section of siding to keep it all neat
And a soldier to guard it, oh so sweet

But then there was a setback, what could they do?
The sleeper was too tall, it wouldn't do
So they dug down deep into the ground
And made it work, without a sound

Now the sill sits sturdy, strong and true
Thanks to the hard work of the crew
And the little sleeper, once so still
Now rests on a foundation of skill


  1. What did the workers need to do to make the silly little sleeper strong and sturdy?
  2. What was the setback the workers faced and how did they overcome it?
  3. Why was it important to have a soldier to guard the sleeper?
  4. How do you think the workers felt when they finally finished the job?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had to work hard to overcome a challenge?

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