Buddy the Brave Buck and the Building of the Park

Once upon a time, there was a little buck named Buddy who lived in a forest. He loved to play and explore the area, but one day, he noticed that his favorite spot was gone. The trees were cleared and there was a big bulldozer working on the site.

Buddy was curious, so he decided to go closer and see what was happening. He saw a big burl lying on the ground and he remembered how much he liked to rub his antlers against it. He approached the burl, but just as he was about to touch it, the bulldozer started moving towards him.

Buddy quickly ran away and hid in a breezeway. He was scared and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was the operator of the bulldozer, who had seen him and wanted to make sure he was safe.

The operator explained that they were building a new park for the animals to play in and that the burl was going to be used to make a bench. Buddy was so happy to hear that the burl would still be used for something special.

From that day on, Buddy visited the park every day and played with his friends. He was so grateful to the kind operator of the bulldozer for taking care of him and making sure that the park was a safe place for all the animals.

The end.


  1. Why was Buddy scared when he saw the bulldozer?
  2. What did the operator of the bulldozer do to help Buddy?
  3. What did Buddy learn from the experience?
  4. How did Buddy feel about the park after it was built?
  5. Why was the burl important to Buddy?

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