Sorry, but I don't have a story to refer to. Can you please provide more details about the story?

On the terrace up high,
We see the roadway passing by,
Cars zooming left and right,
On the road that's out of sight.

Down below, the sidewalk's wide,
Where people stroll with a stride,
On the median, flowers bloom,
Adding color to the room.

The underpass is cool and dark,
Where echoes make a playful mark,
And if we peek over the shoulder,
We see the curb, where ants grow bolder.

But the tunnel is the most fun,
A secret place for everyone,
Where we can whisper and sing,
And pretend we're off exploring.

So let's explore and have some fun,
On the terrace, road, and run,
We'll hop and skip, jump and twirl,
Through the underpass, and around the world!


I see, here are a few questions you could ask kids to think about after reading a story:

  1. What was your favorite part of the story?
  2. Why do you think the characters made the choices they did?
  3. How do you think the story could have ended differently?
  4. Which character did you relate to the most and why?
  5. What lesson did you learn from the story?
  6. What other adventures do you think the characters could have in the future?
  7. How did the setting of the story contribute to the plot?
  8. What emotions did the story make you feel?
  9. If you could change one thing about the story, what would it be and why?
  10. What did you learn about yourself while reading this story?

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