Coding: The Process, Tools, and Skills.

In coding, there's a process we follow each day,
To make our ideas come alive in a digital way.
We start with a scope, a plan of what to create,
And then we write the code, to bring it all up to date.

We use a number of tools to make things just right,
A snippet of code can really shine bright.
Each parameter we set, helps things work like a charm,
And we give each object a name, to keep things from harm.

There are different types we use, to make the code run,
Each one has its purpose, to get the job done.
And the syntax we write, must be just so,
So the computer can understand, and let our code flow.

And when we want to use words, we use a string,
It's a sequence of characters, a powerful thing.
With these coding concepts, we can make anything,
From games to websites, and all kinds of bling.

So kids, don't be afraid to give coding a try,
With these tools and skills, you can really reach the sky!
And who knows, you might even create something new,
With your own coding skills, the world's waiting for you!


  1. What is the first step in the process of coding?
  2. What is the purpose of setting parameters and giving objects names?
  3. What types do we use to make the code run, and why is it important for the syntax to be just right?

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