The Grand Structures: A Tale of Arches, Balustrades, and Belvederes

Come children, gather round with glee,
I'll tell a tale for you and me.
Of castles, grand and fairytale-like,
With balconies, arches and belvederes, oh what a sight!

First, let's talk about an archway,
It's a curved structure that's here to stay.
It can be made of stone or wood,
And is strong enough to hold up any hood.

An arcade is a type of hall,
With many arches in a row, tall.
It's a lovely place to stroll and play,
On a sunny or a rainy day.

A balustrade is a fancy rail,
That keeps you safe and free from ail.
It's like a brace, for a balcony,
That makes sure you don't fall off from the balcony.

Speaking of balconies, they're quite grand,
A place to stand and take in the land.
You can see for miles and miles,
And the view will make you smile.

The balusters on a balcony,
Are the spindles that you can see.
They're like the bars of a cage,
But much prettier, don't you think?

And lastly, let's not forget,
The belvedere, a place you won't regret.
It's like a tower, but smaller in size,
And gives you a view of the sunrise.

So now you know these grand structures,
With arches, balustrades, and belvederes.
May they bring you joy and delight,
As you explore them with all your might!


  1. Can you remember the different types of grand structures mentioned in the story?
  2. Have you ever seen any of these structures in real life, like an arch or a balcony?
  3. How do balustrades and balusters help to keep people safe on a balcony?
  4. What do you think a belvedere might look like?
  5. If you could visit any of these structures, which one would you like to see and why?

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