The Majestic Building: A Treasure to Behold

In a courtyard, bright and wide,
Stands a building, full of pride,
With a facade of white and gold,
And a cupola, strong and bold.

Above the entrance, high and tall,
There's a frieze, so regal and royal,
And below it, a gallerie grand,
For the finest views of the land.

The walls are lined with molding fine,
And panels, polished, oh so divine,
Each one telling a story of old,
Of heroes brave and tales untold.

So come, young ones, and take a look,
At this building, like an open book,
Full of wonder, full of delight,
A true treasure, shining so bright.


  1. What is your favorite part of the building described in the story, and why?
  2. What do you think the stories on the panels are about?
  3. If you could explore any part of the building, where would you go first and why?
  4. What would you do if you could spend a day in the courtyard where the building is located?
  5. What makes this building special, and how does it compare to other buildings you have seen?

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