The Tower of Wonder

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Stood a grand tower, so tall and grey,
It reached to the sky, like a spire so high,
And the children all wondered, what was inside.

With a roundel at the top, and a portico below,
The tower was grand, from head to toe,
Pilasters lined its walls, strong and proud,
And projections jutted out, like arms reaching out.

But what caught the children's eyes the most,
Was the terrace up high, where they could boast,
Of the view they could see, from up so high,
The world below, like a toy from the sky.

Though setbacks and challenges they may face,
The children knew, in this grand old place,
That they could dream and reach for the stars,
And never forget, how grand and beautiful towers are.


  1. What do you think the tower represents in the story?
  2. How do you think the children felt when they saw the tower for the first time?
  3. Do you think the tower had any special powers or abilities?
  4. What did the children learn from the tower and its grandeur?
  5. Can you imagine what it would be like to climb to the top of the tower and stand on the terrace?

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