The Little Writer's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, in a world so bright,
Where words and stories came to life,
Lived a canon, a ruler of words so true,
Whose stories and tales were forever new.

In the land of writing, where ideas take flight,
Lived a little writer, always ready to write,
With a deadline to meet and a pen in hand,
She set out to create, to make her stand.

She knew clichés were to be avoided,
For originality was what made her stories solid,
With a byline to sign her name,
She worked hard, she knew the game.

Boilerplate phrases were not her friend,
She wanted her stories to truly transcend,
Copyright laws, she knew all too well,
To protect her stories, she had to excel.

And so, she wrote with all her might,
Inspired by the canon, she took flight,
Her words, her stories, forever to be told,
For she was a writer, confident and bold.


  1. Who is the main character of the story and what is she trying to accomplish?
  2. What does the canon of literature represent in the story?
  3. What challenges does the young writer face in her quest to become a great storyteller?
  4. Why is it important for writers to avoid clichés and create original stories?
  5. What is copyright and why is it important for writers to understand it?
  6. What does a byline represent and why is it significant for writers to have one?
  7. What message do you think the story is trying to convey about writing and storytelling?

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