The Adventures of the Curious Squirrel

Once upon a time, in a forest so green,
Lived a little squirrel, the cutest you've seen.
With a bushy tail and bright shiny eyes,
He scurried around, reaching for the skies.

One day, he found an acorn so brown,
Lying on the ground, waiting to be found.
He picked it up and ran with glee,
To store it safely in his tree.

He then saw some berries, so red and sweet,
Growing on a bush, just at his feet.
He nibbled on them and felt so grand,
He wished he had more to fill his hand.

On his journey, he came across some alfalfa,
A plant so green, with leaves so soft-a.
He ate and ate, till he could eat no more,
For it was the yummiest thing he'd ever scored.

As he climbed up his tree, so high,
He saw the bark, all rough and dry.
It reminded him of a rock-climbing wall,
And he wondered if he could climb it all.

But as he reached the top, he saw something new,
A beanstalk so tall, it was sky blue.
He climbed and climbed, till he reached the end,
And there he found a friend.

His friend was a panda, who loved bamboo,
A plant so tall, with leaves so new.
They ate and played, till the sun went down,
And promised to meet, every time they came around.

And so our little squirrel, with his heart so pure,
Found joy in all, big and small, that came his way for sure.
For in nature's bounty, there is much to learn,
And life is beautiful, at every turn.


  1. What did the little squirrel find on his journey through the forest, and which one was his favorite?
  2. How did the squirrel feel when he discovered the beanstalk, and what did he find at the top?
  3. Why do you think the squirrel and the panda became friends, and what did they do together?
  4. How does the squirrel's curiosity lead him to explore and learn new things, and what can we learn from him?
  5. What do you think the squirrel might discover on his next adventure, and where do you think he might go?

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