Title: Discovering the Diverse Flora of the Deep Green Forest

In the forest, deep and green,
There's a world to be seen,
With ferns that reach up high,
And clovers that catch your eye.

Look closely, and you'll find,
A cork tree, one of a kind,
Whose bark is thick and tough,
And protects the tree's stuff.

The flora is so diverse,
With flowers of every verse,
From corolla to petal,
Each one is truly special.

So come and explore,
This world, full of more,
Where the ferns sway in the breeze,
And the forest sings with ease.


  1. What kinds of plants can you find in the forest described in the poem?
  2. What is unique about the cork tree mentioned in the poem?
  3. What is your favorite line in the poem and why?

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