The Brave Line-being: Saving the Locus Kingdom

Once upon a time, there was a magical land called the Locus Kingdom. It was a strange place where everything was made up of lines and shapes, and the people who lived there were called Line-beings. The Line-beings were very proud of their kingdom, for it was a manifold of wonder and beauty.

One day, the Line-beings noticed that the lines in their kingdom were becoming distorted. The lines that used to be straight were now curved, and the shapes that used to be symmetrical were now asymmetrical. The Line-beings were very worried because they knew that this meant the mean of their kingdom was changing.

The Line-beings decided to send their bravest and smartest Line-being, named Linus, on a quest to find out what was causing the lines in their kingdom to change. Linus traveled far and wide, and finally, he discovered that a wicked witch was using her magic to change the lines in the Locus Kingdom.

Linus was not afraid, for he was determined to stop the witch and restore the lines in the Locus Kingdom to their former glory. He bravely confronted the witch and used his own magic to fight her. The two battled for hours, but in the end, Linus emerged victorious.

The lines in the Locus Kingdom were restored to their former beauty, and the Line-beings were overjoyed. They threw a grand celebration in honor of Linus and his bravery. From that day forward, Linus was known as the hero of the Locus Kingdom, and the Line-beings lived happily ever after.

The End.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. What was happening in the Locus Kingdom?
  3. Why did Linus go on a quest?
  4. Who was causing the lines in the kingdom to change?
  5. How did Linus save the kingdom?
  6. What was the celebration for at the end of the story?
  7. How did the Line-beings feel about Linus after he saved the kingdom?

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