From Seed to Sage: A Garden's Tale

Once upon a time, in a garden so bright,
Lived a little seed, with all its might.
Buried in soil, deep and true,
With a little water, it sprouted anew.

A tiny shoot, with leaves so small,
It grew and grew, straight and tall.
With roots that spread, deep and wide,
It anchored down, and grew with pride.

And from that shoot, a shrub did form,
With petals so soft, and leaves so warm.
A home for insects, and birds alike,
To dance and sing, and take a hike.

And within that shrub, a sage did grow,
With resin that smelled like sweetened dough.
A herb so fragrant, with powers so great,
To heal the sick, and meditate.

And as the seasons passed, and the flowers bloomed,
The pollen did fly, and the bees did zoom.
With spores that danced, and the wind did blow,
New seeds did form, to take root and grow.

And so, dear children, this story we tell,
Of seeds and shoots, and the garden's swell.
Of roots that grow, and petals so bright,
And the sap that flows, from morning 'til night.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about after reading the poem:

  1. What are some of the different parts of a plant, and what do they do?
  2. How does a plant grow from a tiny seed into a big shrub?
  3. What are some of the ways that plants help other living things, like insects and birds?
  4. How do plants reproduce and create new seeds for the next generation?
  5. What can we learn from nature and the way that plants grow and thrive?

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