The Little Plant That Could

Once upon a time in a garden so green,
Lived a little plant, just a tiny bean,
It sprouted up with a tiny sprout,
Pushing through the soil, it didn't pout.

It grew and grew with each passing day,
Sending its roots down, searching for a way,
To drink up water, to soak up the sun,
To stretch and grow, to have some fun.

It grew into a stem, strong and tall,
And leaves and branches, it did install,
But on one branch, a weed did grow,
With a thorn so sharp, it made it slow.

The plant did not give up or quit,
It trimmed that branch, bit by bit,
And soon it grew, stronger than before,
A trunk so sturdy, it could take on more.

It had veins that ran through every part,
Like vines that hold a tree at heart,
And twigs that reached out to the sky,
And leaves that danced as the wind went by.

And as the years went passing by,
This little plant grew high and high,
Into a tree, so grand and true,
It stood there, proud, for all to view.

So, little ones, remember this tale,
When life's thorns seem to make you fail,
With persistence, love, and care,
You'll grow strong, like a tree so rare.


Here are some questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What did the little plant grow into?
  2. What obstacles did the plant face while growing?
  3. How did the plant deal with the weed with thorns?
  4. What made the little plant grow into a strong and mighty tree?
  5. What did you learn from the story about persistence and care?

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