The Adventure of the Lost Key

In the kitchen, oh so cool,
There's a drawer, a cube, and a crate to rule.
And in the crate, a container you see,
Full of goodies for you and me.

But look inside the coffer so grand,
There's a drum, beating with a steady hand.
It adds a rhythm to our play,
And makes us dance the day away.

And when we're done, we'll pack it away,
In the cooler, where it'll stay.
For our treasures, we have a place,
A space for each and every case.

So come and play with me today,
And let's create our own little fray.
With our cooler, drawer, and all the rest,
We'll make our memories the very best.


  1. Why was it important for the girl to find the lost key?
  2. What kind of mystery do you think might be waiting for her in the attic?
  3. Have you ever lost something important? How did you feel when you couldn't find it?
  4. Do you think the girl would have found the key if she didn't search everywhere she could think of?
  5. What do you think the girl learned from her adventure to find the key?

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