The Magical Forest Adventure

In the land of code and tech,
There are words we need to check,
For young kids to learn and grow,
Let's start with words we know.

Merge is when two things become one,
Like rivers meet and flow as one.
When code lines join and become whole,
A merge is complete, a united goal.

A log is like a diary or a book,
A record of events for us to look.
When code is changed or errors found,
A log is created to keep it sound.

A fossil is something old and rare,
A remnant from creatures that once were there.
In code, a fossil can be a mistake,
Or something we no longer need to take.

Git is a tool to track and save,
A code repository, a digital cave.
With Git, we can collaborate and share,
And make sure code is always fair.

Mercury is a planet in the sky,
A shining star that catches our eye.
In code, Mercury is a tool for testing,
To make sure everything is interesting.

The head is where our thoughts reside,
Our brain's control center, where ideas collide.
In code, the head is the main branch,
The foundation of all code to enhance.

A module is a piece of code,
A small part that makes it glow.
In code, a module can help us scale,
And keep our code clean and prevail.

The index is like a map or guide,
A pointer to where things reside.
In code, the index helps us find,
What we need and what's on our mind.

So kids, with these words in your hand,
You can learn and code to understand.
Merge, log, fossil, git, mercury, head, module, index,
Are words to know, to code and flex!


  1. What were the different creatures that the friends encountered in the magical forest?
  2. How did the friends work together to overcome challenges during their adventure?
  3. What lesson did the friends learn about the importance of friendship and teamwork?
  4. If you could go on an adventure in a magical forest, what kind of creatures would you hope to meet?
  5. What did you think was the most exciting part of the story?

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