Exploring the Wonders of Nature

Come, young ones, and let's explore,
A world of wonder and so much more,
We'll start our journey by a creek,
Where waters flow and animals peek.

Up ahead, a fork we'll see,
Which way to go, which way to be?
To the left, a gentle flow,
To the right, wild rapids we'll know.

As we venture further down,
We'll come upon a great dam's crown,
Holding back the rushing tide,
Creating power we can't hide.

And where the river meets the sea,
A delta forms so wild and free,
Birds and fish, they call it home,
A lively place, they never roam.

Let's travel to a land of fire,
Where a geyser spouts higher and higher,
Steam and water shooting high,
A spectacle that catches the eye.

Further on, a mighty falls,
Water crashing, nature calls,
Rainbows shining through the mist,
A sight that none can resist.

In an estuary we'll find,
A place where freshwater meets the brine,
A mix of creatures, a unique blend,
A natural marvel we can't pretend.

A fjord we'll find, so grand and steep,
Carved by glaciers, so cold and deep,
Waterfalls cascading down,
A breathtaking sight, we'll never frown.

And in a cove so calm and still,
A fen so green, a peaceful thrill,
Moss and plants, so soft and wet,
A hidden gem, we won't forget.

So come, young ones, let's explore,
A world of wonder and so much more,
Nature's beauty, so grand and vast,
A treasure trove, that will always last.


  1. What was your favorite natural wonder mentioned in the story and why?
  2. What do you think makes nature so special and worth exploring?
  3. Have you ever been on an adventure in nature? If so, what did you see and experience?
  4. How do you think humans can help protect and preserve natural wonders like the ones in the story?
  5. What other natural wonders have you heard of or seen that were not mentioned in the story?

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