The Brave Islanders and the Threatening Iceberg

Once upon a time in the sea,
There was an island, a sight to see,
With a gulf so deep and wide,
And a harbor where boats could hide.

On the island was an islet small,
A tiny piece, hardly seen at all,
And in the gully, a stream did flow,
To the inlet where the waves did go.

But far away, a danger loomed,
An iceberg, mighty and untamed,
It drifted closer day by day,
A threat to all in its way.

The islanders were brave and strong,
They knew they couldn't wait too long,
So they gathered all their might,
And pushed the iceberg out of sight.

Now the island's safe once more,
The gulf and harbor as before,
And the islet, gully, and inlet,
Are all there for us to visit.


  1. Why did the iceberg pose a threat to the island?
  2. How did the islanders work together to protect their home?
  3. What might have happened if the islanders didn't push the iceberg away?
  4. What would you do if you lived on the island and saw the iceberg coming?
  5. How did the islet, gully, and inlet play a role in the story?

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