Journey of the Little Stream

In the heart of a swamp so green,
A little stream could barely be seen,
It flowed so slow and with great care,
Through the mud and the muck so rare.

It journeyed on through twists and turns,
And then it met a brook that churns,
This brook was swift and oh so strong,
And from it, a tributary was born.

Together they traveled and flowed,
Towards a narrow strait they slowed,
They squeezed through the passage tight,
And emerged on the other side with delight.

As they journeyed on, they met a spring,
Bubbling up, a new beginning,
The water was fresh, clean and clear,
And it washed away their doubts and fears.

At last, they reached the ocean's shore,
And felt the surf's mighty roar,
The waves crashed and the seagulls soared,
As the little stream and its friends explored.

So young ones, always remember,
No matter how big or small, you can venture,
Just like this stream that didn't stop,
And found its way to the top.


  1. What kind of obstacles did the little stream face on its journey?
  2. How did the little stream change as it met other waterways and traveled towards the ocean?
  3. Why is it important for us to take care of our rivers, streams, and oceans?
  4. What other animals do you think the little stream might have met on its journey?
  5. Have you ever been to a swamp, and if so, what did you see and hear there?

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