The Amazing Adventures of the World Wonders

Come children, gather 'round with me,
I'll tell you of a world so grand to see,
A place of wonders, so vast and wide,
Full of secrets and treasures that hide.

Let's start with the globe, a big round ball,
A picture of our world, both big and small,
It spins and turns, as we go along,
A place where life and beauty belong.

There's elevation, it's a height above,
A mountain, a hill, or a rocky bluff,
It takes you up, to touch the sky,
Where eagles soar and clouds drift by.

Down to the delta, where rivers flow,
A place where land and water meet and go,
A wonder of nature, for all to see,
Where the world is renewed, for you and me.

Next, let's head to the desert, so hot and dry,
Where the sun blazes down from the sky,
It's a place of sand, and rocks, and sun,
But a world of beauty, when the day is done.

We'll cross the equator, a line so true,
Splitting the world in two, for me and you,
Where the north meets south, and east meets west,
A place of wonder, where the world is best.

A gulf is next, a body of water so wide,
A place of beauty, with a soft, gentle tide,
A world of wonder, full of life and light,
A place where the world is a sight.

Now to the east, where the sun rises high,
And fills the world with light in the sky,
A world of beauty, where the day is born,
A place of magic, where new worlds are formed.

A dune is a hill, made of sand so fine,
A place where the world is shaped and designed,
It's a wonder of nature, both big and small,
A place of beauty, for one and all.

A fjord is a place, where land and sea meet,
A wonder of nature, both rare and sweet,
It's a place of beauty, where the world is true,
A place of wonder, for me and you.

An estuary is a place, where the river meets the sea,
A world of magic, where the world is free,
A place of wonder, where the world is bright,
A place where the world is a sight.

Finally, a geyser, a place where water springs,
A world of magic, where the world is new things,
A place of beauty, where the world is bright,
A place where the world is a sight.

And last, but not least, a glacier so grand,
A wonder of nature, both wide and grand,
It's a place of beauty, where the world is true,
A place of wonder, for me and you.

So come children, and join me in this rhyme,
A world of wonders, where we have a good time,
A place of beauty, where the world is free,
A place of wonder, where the world is a sight to see.


  1. Which wonder of the world did you find most interesting and why?
  2. What was your favorite adventure that the explorers went on?
  3. What did you learn about different natural wonders from the story?
  4. How do you think the world wonders are important to the planet and the creatures living on it?
  5. If you could visit any of the natural wonders in the story, which one would you choose and why?

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