The Adventures of the Container Crew

Let me tell you a story, my little friend
About an array and a bag at the bend
They were carrying a dictionary, oh so grand
A container so full, it was hard to stand

They met a deque, with a buffer to share
And a filter that made the air fresh and fair
A graph came along, with fields so green
And a hash that was the coolest you've ever seen

Together they traveled, through valleys and hills
Crossing rivers and streams, taking turns with the skills
With each passing day, their friendship grew stronger
As they learned from one another, and journeyed longer

Now they're all together, as happy as can be
An array, a bin, a bag, and a dictionary
A deque, a filter, a field, and a hash
And a graph that holds them all, in a perfect match

So, my little friend, remember this tale
Of containers and friends, that never fail
With kindness and care, we can all be
A happy array, just like them, you and me.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What unique strengths did each container bring to the group?
  3. How did the containers help each other on their journey?
  4. What did the containers learn from each other as they traveled together?
  5. Why do you think it's important to appreciate and value each other's differences?
  6. What would you do if you were part of the container crew on this journey?
  7. Can you think of a time when you learned something new from a friend who was different from you?
  8. How did the story make you feel?
  9. Do you have a favorite container from the story? Why is it your favorite?
  10. What do you think happened to the container crew after their journey ended?

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