The Enchanted Assortment: A Tale of Important Words

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
There were words that children would learn every day,
They were long and confusing, but oh so important,
So let's explore them together in this enchanting assortment.

First on our list is "accident", it can happen to anyone,
It's a mishap or mistake, not caused by anyone's fun,
So be careful and mindful, as you go about your day,
Prevention is key, and remember to play.

Next up is "agreement", it's a promise or pact,
A deal that you make, it's a binding contract,
So be honest and fair, and always keep your word,
Agreements are important, and trust is not absurd.

"Arbitration" is next, it's a way to resolve,
Disputes that arise, without any resolve,
It's a peaceful solution, where both parties win,
By coming to a consensus, without anger or chagrin.

"Adjuster" is a person, who helps after a loss,
They determine the damage, and what the cost,
They work with insurance, to make it right,
So you can get back to normal, and feel alright.

"Actuary" is a job, with numbers and stats,
They calculate the risk, and make informed contracts,
So if you're good with math, and you like to predict,
This might be the job, that gives you a kick.

"Annuity" is a payment, that's spread out over time,
It's a regular income, for when you're past your prime,
It's a way to plan, for your retirement years,
And enjoy the fruits, of your hard work and tears.

"Amortization" is a way, to pay off a loan,
It's a gradual reduction, so you're not overthrown,
You pay back the principal, plus interest too,
And in the end, you're debt-free and anew.

"Appraisal" is a way, to value your things,
Your house or your car, your jewelry or rings,
It helps with insurance, and taxes too,
So you can be sure, that you get what's due.

Finally, there's "agent", they're on your side,
They work for you, and help you decide,
They're knowledgeable and helpful, and always there,
To answer your questions, and show that they care.

So there you have it, kids, some words to learn,
They may seem complex, but it's our turn,
To teach you what matters, and help you grow,
Into smart and capable adults, you know?


  1. Which of the words from the story do you think is the most important to remember in everyday life?
  2. Can you think of an example of when an "adjuster" might be helpful after an accident or loss?
  3. What did you learn about "amortization" and how it can help with paying off loans?
  4. Have you ever made an "agreement" with someone, and what did you promise to do?
  5. What would you like to learn more about from the different words in the story?

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