The Importance of an Audit

Come gather 'round, young ones, and listen to my tale,
Of a very important thing, that we must not derail.
It's called an audit, and it helps us see,
If things are going well, as they should be.

An audit is like a checkup for our school,
To make sure we're following every single rule.
We must limit mistakes, and be our best,
To show we're responsible, and we pass the test.

There's a clause in the audit, that we must all heed,
To make sure we're fulfilling every single need.
Each participant must do their part,
And together we'll show that we're very smart.

The value of an audit cannot be denied,
It helps us improve, and we can take pride.
In the benefits that it brings to us all,
We'll be better prepared, and never fall.

An attachment to our school, we'll feel inside,
As we work together, and take things in stride.
And the rate of success will be very high,
With an audit to help us reach for the sky.

So let's do our best, and always be true,
To the values we hold, and the things we pursue.
With an audit by our side, we'll never fail,
And we'll always be on track, to set sail.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What is an audit, and why is it important?
  2. How does an audit help us improve our performance?
  3. What can we do as participants to ensure a successful audit?
  4. What benefits can we gain from an audit?
  5. How does an audit help us feel more attached to our school or organization?

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