Cooking Made Easy: Various Methods for Preparing Delicious Meals

In the kitchen, we can cook up a treat
With these words, it'll be easy to eat
Let's start with a slice of some veggies bright
Cut them up small, they'll cook just right

We can saute them in a pan so hot
With some oil or butter, they'll hit the spot
Or maybe we'll scramble some eggs so light
Whisk them up quick, and cook with might

To steam some rice or some veggies green
Use a pot with a lid, it's a cooking machine
Roasting chicken or potatoes so sweet
In the oven, they'll cook to a perfect heat

When we're in a hurry, we can microwave
Popcorn or leftovers, they'll heat up in a craze
If we want eggs that are poached so neat
We'll cook them in water, they'll be a special treat

To sear a steak or some fish so fresh
Heat up the pan, it'll be the best
Finally, we'll simmer some soup or stew
In a pot on the stove, it's easy to do

So let's cook up a storm, with these words in mind
We'll have a delicious meal, that's easy to find!


  1. What are some ways to cook vegetables according to the paragraph?
  2. What are some methods to cook eggs that are mentioned in the paragraph?
  3. What kitchen appliance can be used to cook rice and vegetables?
  4. What are some ways to cook meat, according to the paragraph?

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