Creating a Poem: A Guide to Wordplay and Recitation".

In a special place, let's begin,
Where words come together to spin.
Let's organize and put them in order,
To make a rhyme that we can border.

Now, let's modify a word or two,
Make them new for me and you.
We can replace and shorten them,
And our poem will be a gem.

Let's separate each line with care,
So our poem is easy to bear.
We'll raise our voice when it's time to say,
And make sure we don't lose our way.

So let's put our words in the right place,
And watch them all fall into space.
Our poem is done, it's time to say goodbye,
We hope you loved it, and so did I.


  1. What is the purpose of organizing words and putting them in order?
  2. How can we make a poem more interesting by modifying words?
  3. Why is it important to separate each line of a poem with care?
  4. What are some things we can do to ensure we don't lose our way when reciting a poem?

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