Lost in the Wilderness: A Tale of Survival

Come and gather, kids of all ages
Let's play some basketball, fill up the pages
With our skills and teamwork, we'll have lots of fun
So let's dribble, pass, and shoot, until the game is done

First, let's grip the ball, feel its texture in our hand
Then we'll dribble down the court, and try to take a stand
But be careful not to fumble, and lose the ball in the game
We need to catch it, block it, and keep it in our aim

The ball might bounce in different ways, we have to be alert
So we'll chase it, and make a move that doesn't hurt
We'll deke and dunk, jump high and fly
And with every score, we'll hear the cheer go by

Sometimes, we might fight for the ball, push and shove a bit
But we'll remember to play fair, and show good sportsmanship
And when we need to pass, we'll use the board to make it right
With teamwork, we'll win the game, and end it with delight

So let's play some basketball, young friends, and learn a thing or two
About perseverance, teamwork, and having fun while we pursue
Our goals and dreams, with every bounce, catch, and grip
We'll improve our skills and enjoy the game, let's start the trip!


  1. What did the group of friends plan to do on their camping trip?
  2. How did the friends get lost in the wilderness, and what challenges did they face while trying to find their way back?
  3. What survival skills did the friends use to stay alive in the wilderness?
  4. How did the friends work together to overcome the challenges they faced?
  5. What did the friends learn about themselves and each other during their experience in the wilderness?
  6. How did the friends feel when they finally made it back to civilization, and what did they do to celebrate?
  7. Would you like to go on a camping trip like this with your friends? Why or why not?

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