Lily's Digraph Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved words. She had a big dictionary that she carried everywhere she went. One day, while flipping through the pages, she came across a strange word - "digraph."

Curious, Lily looked up the meaning and found out that a digraph was two letters that make one sound, like "sh" in "ship." She was fascinated by this new knowledge and decided to go on a digraph adventure.

Lily packed a bag with her dictionary and set out on a journey to find as many digraphs as she could. She traveled far and wide, walking great distances and exploring every edge of the land.

As she walked, she came across many signs and words that contained digraphs. She wrote them down in her notebook and checked them in her dictionary to make sure she had found the right ones.

After many days of walking and searching, Lily had found so many digraphs that her notebook was filled with pages and pages of them. She was so proud of herself and couldn't wait to show her findings to her family and friends.

When she returned home, she shared her adventure and all the digraphs she had found. Everyone was amazed at how far she had traveled and how many digraphs she had discovered.

From that day on, Lily was known as the digraph expert and her dictionary became her most prized possession. She continued to learn new words and explore the edges of language, always on the lookout for more digraphs to add to her collection.

The end.


  1. What is a digraph according to the story?
  2. What did Lily do with all the digraphs she found?
  3. How did Lily's journey end?
  4. What did Lily's family and friends think of her digraph adventure?
  5. Why was Lily's dictionary so important to her?

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