Lost in the Woods

Let's play a game of imagination,
With words that spark our creation,
We'll draw and paint and simulate,
And all our ideas will radiate.

First, we'll sketch a simple shape,
With lines and curves that we'll create,
We'll move it here and move it there,
Till we find its perfect position, fair.

Then we'll rotate it round and round,
A new perspective to be found,
And if we want to make it fun,
We'll skew it, make it all undone.

We can pose it in many ways,
And simplify it on those days,
When we need something clean and neat,
To make our masterpiece complete.

We'll scale it up or down in size,
And render it with all our tries,
To make it look just how we please,
With colors bright and bold as bees.

And when we're done, we'll sit and stare,
At all the art we made with care,
And we'll know that we have done great,
With all the tools we learned to manipulate.


  1. What would you do if you were lost in the woods?
  2. How do you think the characters felt when they realized they were lost?
  3. What skills did the characters need to use in order to find their way back?
  4. How did the characters work together to solve their problem?
  5. What do you think the characters learned from their experience?

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