The Coding Words' Adventure

Once upon a time, in a coding land,
Lived some words, that we'll understand,
Blame was one, that said, "Who did it?"
Fetch was another, to go and get it.

Archive kept things, safe and sound,
Add was happy, when new things were found,
Apply knew just what, to do with it all,
Bisect cut code, and made it small.

Commit was brave, it locked things in,
Clean made sure, there was no mess within,
Clone copied things, with ease and grace,
Describe helped out, when you needed a case.

Fork was friendly, and shared with friends,
Checkout knew, how to make amends,
All these words, played a coding game,
Together they made, some amazing fame.

And in the end, they all knew,
They worked together, and that was true,
For every coder, young or old,
These words are worth, their weight in gold.


  1. Which of the coding words was your favorite and why?
  2. Why was it important for the coding words to work together to accomplish their goals?
  3. Can you think of a real-life situation where some of these coding words might be used?
  4. How did the coding words solve problems throughout their adventure?
  5. What do you think the coding words might learn from their adventure, and how might they use that knowledge in the future?

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