At a restaurant with a table so neat
Sat a customer ready to eat
The waiter came with a friendly smile
And gave a tissue to wipe for a while
The cook was busy with pots and pans
Boiling and stirring with skillful hands
He added sauce to make it taste just right
And put it on a plate so shiny and bright
The waiter brought it to the customer's chair
Who said, "It smells delicious, I can't wait to tear
Into this tasty meal, it looks so fine"
And took a bite with a smile so divine
The table was set with a tablecloth clean
And every dish was fit for a queen
The customer ate with a happy heart
And savored every flavor from the start
So if you're ever out to eat
Remember this little rhyme so sweet
The waiter, cook, and customer all play a role
In making sure every dish is a treasure to behold.
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