Discovering the Beauty of Colors

In a world of colors, so bright and true,
There are shades that you should know too.

Green like the grass, and leaves of a tree,
It's the color of life, it's what you'll see.

Dark like the night, and shadows in the park,
It's a color that can be scary, or just stark.

Black like the darkness, that creeps in your room,
It's a color that can be sad, or full of gloom.

White like a cloud, that floats in the sky,
It's a color that can be pure, and hard to deny.

Grey like the storm clouds, that darken the day,
It's a color that can be dull, or just fade away.

Blue like the ocean, so deep and so vast,
It's a color that can be calm, or a raging blast.

Brown like the earth, beneath your feet,
It's a color that can be strong, or just too neat.

Orange like the sun, that rises in the morn,
It's a color that can be bright, or just be worn.

Light like a candle, that flickers in the night,
It's a color that can be warm, or a guiding light.

Red like a rose, that blooms in the spring,
It's a color that can be bold, or just a fling.

Pink like a princess, in a fairy tale book,
It's a color that can be sweet, or just for looks.

So, young ones, take note of these hues,
And discover the beauty, in each color's muse.


  1. What are some things in nature that are green?
  2. Can you think of a time when the color black made you feel scared or sad?
  3. What does the color white remind you of?
  4. Have you ever seen storm clouds that are grey? What did they look like?
  5. Do you have a favorite color? What makes that color special to you?

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