The Mysterious Disappearance of the Treasure

When you have an appointment,
Make sure you're not too late,
Because it's important to be on time,
To avoid any problem that might wait.

If you feel tired and need some rest,
Take a break and sit down,
It's better to relax and recharge,
Than to keep going and feel down.

Be aware of danger that might come,
And always be cautious and wise,
Take steps to keep yourself safe,
And avoid any unnecessary surprise.

An accident can happen anytime,
And it can be really scary,
But don't worry, just call for help,
An ambulance will come in a hurry.

If you hit your head or feel unwell,
Visit a pharmacy or your doctor,
They can help you feel better soon,
And get back to feeling proper.

Remember, some things can be dangerous,
But with good health, you'll be strong,
So eat well, exercise, and rest,
And you'll be healthy all along.


  1. What do you think happened to the treasure?
  2. Who do you think might have taken the treasure, and why?
  3. If you were one of the friends in the story, what would you have done to solve the mystery?
  4. What do you think the friends learned from their adventure?
  5. Have you ever gone on a treasure hunt or a mystery adventure with your friends? If so, what happened?

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