Imaginative Adventures on the Playground

In the corner of the playground,
Where the swings go to and fro,
We imagine we're on airplanes,
Flying high and low.

We race across the blacktop,
To the crossing by the street,
Watching for the green light,
Before we cross our feet.

We see the cars and buses,
Rumbling all around,
And we walk across the bridge,
To the airport, homeward bound.

Oh, the adventures we have,
In this world so wide and grand,
With our imaginations soaring,
As we explore this wondrous land.


  1. What do the kids imagine they are while they swing on the playground?
  2. What do the kids need to watch for before crossing the street?
  3. Where do the kids go after crossing the bridge, and what do they do there?

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