The Adventure at the Open Store

Come children, let's go to the store,
Where the open sign is always on the door.
There are books to read and toys to play,
And plenty of things to see and say.

But wait, what's this? An advertisement!
A bill for something we didn't expect to spend.
It's important to know the cost before we pay,
So let's make sure we ask before we make our way.

Inside the bookshop, there's so much to explore,
But don't forget the time - they'll soon be closing their doors.
Make your choices, take your time,
But don't forget to bring your pence, so everything's fine.

Now it's time to close the day,
We've had such fun along the way.
Thank you store, for all you've shared,
We'll be back soon, we promise, and we'll be prepared.


  1. Where did the children go in the story and what did they see there?
  2. What did the children need to remember when looking at the advertisement?
  3. Why is it important to know the cost of something before you pay for it?
  4. What might happen if the children didn't leave the store before it closed?
  5. What was your favorite part of the story and why?

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