In this big, wide world we live,
There are so many jobs to give.
A doctor can help us when we're sick,
And make us feel better really quick.
A boss is someone who's in charge,
They keep the business running large.
An actor can play a different role,
And entertain us with their soul.
A manager makes sure things go right,
They keep everything within our sight.
An artist can draw or paint a scene,
And make it come to life like a dream.
A shopper loves to browse and buy,
They pick out things that catch their eye.
A letter can travel far and wide,
To connect with people on the other side.
A driver can take us near and far,
They help us travel, like a shooting star.
A mechanic knows how things work,
And fixes cars when they go berserk.
All these jobs help people earn,
And make the world a better place to learn.
So whatever you choose to do,
Remember that it's up to you!
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