Lost in the Forest

In this big, wide world we live,
There are so many jobs to give.
A doctor can help us when we're sick,
And make us feel better really quick.

A boss is someone who's in charge,
They keep the business running large.
An actor can play a different role,
And entertain us with their soul.

A manager makes sure things go right,
They keep everything within our sight.
An artist can draw or paint a scene,
And make it come to life like a dream.

A shopper loves to browse and buy,
They pick out things that catch their eye.
A letter can travel far and wide,
To connect with people on the other side.

A driver can take us near and far,
They help us travel, like a shooting star.
A mechanic knows how things work,
And fixes cars when they go berserk.

All these jobs help people earn,
And make the world a better place to learn.
So whatever you choose to do,
Remember that it's up to you!


  1. Have you ever been on a hike or nature walk? What was your favorite part?
  2. What did the friends do to try to find their way back to safety?
  3. What are some things you could do to prepare for a hike or outdoor adventure?
  4. How did the friends work together to overcome obstacles and challenges?
  5. What do you think are some important things to remember if you ever get lost in the woods?
  6. How would you feel if you were lost in the forest? What would you do?
  7. What do you think the friends learned from their experience in the forest?

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