A Day at the Magical Amusement Park

In the orchard, oh so bright,
There are fruits that bring delight,
Cherry red and oh so sweet,
Juicy, plump, and such a treat!

Orange is a sunny fellow,
Bright and cheerful, oh so mellow,
Peel it back, and what's inside?
A juicy treat you can't deny!

Lemons are a tangy treat,
A yellow burst that's hard to beat,
Add some sugar, make some juice,
It's a drink you can't refuse!

Apples come in shades of red,
Golden, green, and sometimes bred,
Bite right in, and you will find,
A juicy snack that's so divine!

Pears are shaped like gentle tears,
They're a fruit that's loved for years,
Soft and sweet, a tasty treat,
It's the perfect thing to eat!

Bananas are a yellow friend,
That's always there until the end,
Peel it back and you will find,
A snack that's healthy and so kind!

So come and visit the orchard fair,
And find a fruit that you can share,
Cherry, orange, lemon, apple,
Pear and banana, all so ample!


  1. What was your favorite ride or attraction at the amusement park in the story?
  2. If you could design your own ride, what would it look like?
  3. What was the most exciting or surprising thing that happened to the characters in the story?
  4. Do you believe in magic or the possibility of visiting a magical amusement park?
  5. If you could visit any amusement park in the world, which one would you choose and why?
  6. How would you feel if you got to spend the day at a magical amusement park like the one in the story?
  7. Do you think the characters in the story learned anything new or important during their adventure?
  8. What kind of snacks or treats do you think you would find at a magical amusement park?
  9. If you could bring one friend with you to a magical amusement park, who would it be and why?
  10. Would you want to visit the magical amusement park again, or try something different next time?

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