The Magic Garden Adventure

In the morning as we wake,
We get dressed for goodness sake!
First, we put on our favorite socks,
Soft and cozy, just like a fox.

Next, we grab our glasses bright,
To see the world in perfect sight.
Then we choose a hat to wear,
To protect us from the sun's hot glare.

Our shirt comes next, nice and clean,
A rainbow of colors to be seen.
We slip into our pants so neat,
Our legs feel ready for a treat.

Last but not least, a jacket warm,
To keep us cozy in any storm.
Now we're dressed and feeling fine,
Ready to have a wonderful time!


  1. What did the friends discover in the garden?
  2. What was the most exciting or magical part of the adventure?
  3. What did the friends learn about themselves or the world around them during the adventure?
  4. How did the friends work together to solve problems and overcome obstacles?
  5. If you could have your own adventure in a magic garden, what would you hope to discover or experience?

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