The Magic Paintbrush

There are so many ways to go,
To travel places, fast or slow.
With a car, you can zip and zoom,
Driving fast, vroom vroom vroom!

If you're on a train, it's a different ride,
Through the countryside, you'll glide with pride.
The chugga-chugga sound fills the air,
You'll love the view from way up there.

A bike is a ride that's good for you,
Pedal fast and feel the wind whiz through.
You can go fast or take it slow,
Riding a bike is fun, you know!

On a bus, you'll travel with a crowd,
Going to places, big and loud.
With comfy seats, it's a cozy ride,
And you'll get there in a jiffy, side by side.

If you want to go off the beaten track,
A horse can take you there, and back.
With a neigh and a trot, you'll gallop through,
Adventures waiting, just for you.

If you're on a boat, you'll sail away,
On the ocean, blue and gray.
With the waves beneath, and the sun up high,
You'll feel so free, you'll want to fly.

So many ways to travel, near and far,
By car, train, bike, bus, horse, or boat, you are
The captain of your own journey, you see,
And all the world is waiting for you and me!


  1. How did the artist's life change after he received the magic paintbrush?
  2. What was the first thing the artist painted with the magic paintbrush, and what happened as a result?
  3. Why did the emperor want the magic paintbrush, and how did he try to get it?
  4. What did the artist do when he realized the danger of the magic paintbrush?
  5. What lesson can we learn from this story?

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