Pumpkin Patch Magic: The Tale of Seven Pumpkins

Once upon a time in a pumpkin patch,
Seven pumpkins stood in a patch,
Six of them were big and round,
One was small and close to the ground.

Four of them were orange and bright,
Two were green, what a sight,
Three of them had funny faces,
Five were waiting for special places.

They all dreamed of Halloween night,
When they would glow with a flickering light,
But they knew they had to wait,
Until the time was right.

So they stayed in the patch,
With the sun and rain they would hatch,
Growing bigger day by day,
Until they were ready to play.

And when the time finally came,
Each pumpkin found its perfect aim,
A jack-o-lantern for all to see,
In houses, porches and trees.

So remember the pumpkins that grew,
The seven of them, one, two, three, four, five, six and you,
And if you look close, you'll see,
The magic of Halloween, as happy as can be.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. How many pumpkins were in the patch and what were their colors?
  2. Why were the pumpkins waiting patiently in the patch?
  3. What did the pumpkins dream of becoming for Halloween?
  4. What special job did the pumpkins have on Halloween night?
  5. Can you describe some of the different faces the pumpkins had as jack-o-lanterns?
  6. Why do you think it's important to be patient and wait for the right time to do something special?
  7. How would you feel if you were one of the pumpkins in the patch, waiting to become a jack-o-lantern?

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