A Journey Through the Animal Kingdom

In a land far away, so they say,
Live creatures big and small, each their own way.
From the tiniest ant to the giant blue whale,
All have a story to tell, each with a unique tale.

In the scorching hot sun, where the land is so dry,
A kangaroo hops along, so spry.
With a pouch so cozy, a joey inside,
They jump and they play, in the outback so wide.

Nearby, by a river so blue,
A dolphin leaps and flips, just for you.
With grace and agility, they glide through the waves,
Their sleek bodies moving, like a dance they crave.

Over in the savannah, where the tall grasses sway,
A giraffe bends its long neck, to munch on its hay.
With spots on its coat, and legs oh so tall,
They walk with a strut, as if they own it all.

In the lush green forest, so dense and so wild,
An ape swings from a vine, with a smile so wide.
With arms so strong, and a heart full of glee,
They hoot and they holler, as free as can be.

And last but not least, on the plains so serene,
A zebra with stripes, stands proud and so keen.
With black and white lines, like a work of art,
They trot and they gallop, with a beat in their heart.

So remember dear friends, wherever you go,
The animal kingdom is vast, and full of wonder to know.
With creatures so different, yet all play a part,
In the story of life, and the beat of each heart.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What was your favorite animal in the story, and why?
  2. What are some of the different ways the animals in the story move around, and what adaptations do they have to help them do so?
  3. What are some things that all of the animals in the story have in common, and what are some ways in which they are different from one another?
  4. If you could be any animal in the story, which one would you choose, and what would you do?
  5. How can we help protect and care for the animals in the story, and why is it important to do so?

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