The Seven Wonders of the Metal Kingdom

Once upon a time, in a kingdom made of metal, there lived seven metals: Alloy, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Chrome, Copper, and Gold. Each metal had its own unique qualities and abilities, and they all lived together in peace and harmony.

One day, the king of the metal kingdom announced that he was looking for a new crown for his royal head. He wanted a crown that was strong, beautiful, and shining. The seven metals decided to work together to make the perfect crown for their king.

Alloy, who was known for his strength, offered to form the base of the crown. Aluminum, who was light and flexible, added his qualities to the crown. Brass, who was known for his beauty, added his golden shine to the crown. Bronze, who was tough and durable, also joined the effort.

Chrome, who was famous for his mirror-like shine, offered to add his shine to the crown. Copper, who was warm and friendly, added his warmth to the crown. And finally, Gold, who was the most precious metal of all, added his beauty and value to the crown.

Together, the seven metals worked hard and created the most beautiful and valuable crown the kingdom had ever seen. The king was overjoyed when he saw the crown and placed it on his head. He declared that the seven metals were the bravest and most talented metals in all the land.

From that day on, the seven metals were known as the "Seven Wonders of the Metal Kingdom." They continued to live together in peace and harmony, using their unique qualities to create beautiful and valuable objects for the kingdom.

And the king lived happily ever after with his shining crown, made by the Seven Wonders of the Metal Kingdom.


  1. Who made the crown for the king in the story?
  2. What are the unique qualities of each metal in the Seven Wonders of the Metal Kingdom?
  3. Why did the king need a new crown?
  4. How did the Seven Wonders of the Metal Kingdom work together to create the crown?
  5. What did the king say about the Seven Wonders of the Metal Kingdom after he saw the crown?

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