The Jolly Old Man with Shiny Blue Shoes

Once upon a time in a land far away,
There lived an old man, with a funny way to sway.
He had big blue shoes, shiny and tall,
But they always got wet, in every season and fall.

The old man was a jolly fellow, full of cheer,
And kids loved to listen to his stories, far and near.
One day, he went to the market with a red cap,
And a bag full of goodies, he carried on his lap.

He met a group of kids, all dressed in blue,
And they asked him to tell them a story, something new.
So the old man sat down, and started to speak,
Of a land with big castles, and oceans so deep.

The kids were enthralled, and listened with glee,
As the old man shared his tales, so free.
And when it was done, they all clapped with delight,
And asked the old man, to stay with them all night.

The old man smiled, and said he had to go,
But promised to come back, and bring more stories to show.
So the kids waved him goodbye, as he walked away,
And his shiny blue shoes, left a trail of wetness, all the way.


  1. What did you think of the old man and his shiny blue shoes?
  2. What was your favorite part of the story?
  3. Why do you think the old man's shoes always got wet?
  4. How did the old man make the kids feel with his stories?
  5. If you could ask the old man to tell you one more story, what would it be about?

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