Title: The Loving Brown Bear

Once upon a time, in a forest so green,
Lived a big brown bear, the softest you've seen.
With fur so fluffy and feet so fat,
And big floppy ears, like a furry hat.

This bear loved to roam, through the trees and the ferns,
And felt happiest when love filled his heart and he learned.
He learned to share, to care and be kind,
And that love makes the world a much better find.

So he'd roam through the forest, spreading love as he went,
His furry brown body and a heart that was content.
And all the other animals, they loved him right back,
For his warmth and his kindness, there was no need to lack.

So if you ever find yourself in the woods, one day,
And you see a big brown bear, don't be afraid to say hey.
For he'll greet you with love, and a furry warm hug,
And remind you that love, like a bear, is soft as a rug.


  1. What did the brown bear love to do in the forest?
  2. How did the other animals feel about the brown bear?
  3. What did the brown bear teach the other animals in the forest?
  4. How did the brown bear make the other animals feel loved and cared for?
  5. What qualities did the brown bear have that made him so kind and friendly?

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