The Little Dog and the Frog's Leap of Fun

A little dog sat all alone,
With big brown eyes like polished stones.
He looked down at his little paws,
And wondered what he could do, because...

A tiny frog came hopping by,
And caught his attention with a blink of his eye.
The frog said, "Hey, come play with me!"
But the dog looked down and sighed, "I can't, you see."

"I wish I had hands like you,
Then maybe I could hop and play too."
But the frog just smiled and said, "My friend,
You don't need hands to have fun in the end."

"Just put your paws up and jump around,
With a little hop, you'll leave the ground.
Don't worry if you fall, just give it a try,
You'll get the hang of it, by and by."

The little dog looked up with glee,
And started jumping like a bumblebee.
The frog joined in with a croak and a leap,
And they both laughed and played, so happy and deep.

So remember, dear little ones, when feeling down,
Just put your hands up and jump around!
You never know what fun you'll find,
With a little frog friend and a doggy mind.


  1. How did the little dog feel at the beginning of the story? Why did he feel that way?
  2. What did the frog say to the little dog to encourage him to join in the fun?
  3. How did the little dog learn to jump and play?
  4. What lesson did the little dog learn from the frog?
  5. Do you think it's important to try new things even if they seem scary or difficult? Why or why not?

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